Percy Andrae The Vanished Emperor 1896 Grant Allen Strange Stories 1885 Grant Allen The Cruise of the Albatross 1898 Fenton Ash A Trip to Mars 1909 R.C. Ashby Out Went the Taper 1934 Oliver Bainbridge The Devil's Notebook 1908 John R. Beard Autobiography of Satan 1872 Christopher Beck The Brigand of the Air 1920 Arthur C. Benson The Isles of Sunset 1904 James Blyth The Aerial Burglars 1906 Guy Boothby Doctor Nikola 1896 Edwy Searles Brooks The Strange Case of the Antlered Man 1935 Reginald Broomhead A Voice from Mars Barum Brown The Devil and XYZ 1921 John Buchan The Magic Walking Stick... Harris Burland The Princess Thora 1904 F.C. Burnand The Real Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 1893 F.C. Burnand Robinson Crusoe 1920 Tremlett Carter The People of the Moon W. Laird Clowes The Captain of the Mary Rose 1892 W. Laird Clowes The Great Peril 1893 Henry Coxwell A Knight of the Air 1895 Robert Cromie A Plunge into Space 1891 Robert Cromie The Next Crusade 1896 Gratiana Darrell The Haunted Looking Glass 1897 W.J. Dawson A Soldier of the Future 1908 C.T. Druery The New Gulliver 1897 George Du Maurier The Martian 1898 T. Mullet Ellis Zalma 1897 Gustave Flauber The Temptation... 1895 Parkev Gillmore The Amphibian's Voyage 1885 Mrs. Greene Bound by a Spell 1885 George Griffith The Romance of Golden Star 1897 George Griffith The Virgin of the Sun 1898 George Griffith Knaves of Diamonds 1899 Fergus Hume The Expedition... 1899 William Le Queux The Eye of Istar 1897 William Le Queux Three Glass Eyes Louis Moresby Captain Java 1928 E. Nesbit The Magic City 1912 R.L. Stevenson Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1886 Bram Stoker Dracula 1930 unknown "Satellite" drawing unknown Across the Zodiac Jules Verne A Journey to the Center of the Earth 1874 Jules Verne Floating City 1874 Jules Verne Adventures in the Land of Behmoth 1874 Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon 1874 Jules Verne From the Clouds to the Mountains 1874 Jules Verne Dr. Ox's Experiment 1875 Jules Verne Verne's Voyage 1877 Jules Verne Voyage - II 1879 Jules Verne 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1880 Jules Verne Godfrey Morgan 1884 Jules Verne The Mysterious Island 1893 Jules Verne Around the World in 80 Days 1895 Jules Verne Voyage - I 1900 Jules Verne The Case of the Golden Meteor 1909 Jules Verne The Vanished Diamond 1923 H.G. Wells Tales of Space and Time 1899 H.G. Wells The Sea Lady 1902 H.G. Wells Mr. Blettsworthy 1928 H.G. Wells The King Who Was a King 1929 H.G. Wells Star Begotten (1) 1937 H.G. Wells Star Begotten (2) 1937 Yoxall The Lonely Pyramid Amazing Stories April 1926 Amazing Stories November 1926 Amazing Stories January 1927 Amazing Stories February 1927 Amazing Stories February 1927 Amazing Stories May 1929 Argosy March 1938 Fantastic Adventures July 1939 Strange Tales January 1933 Unknown May 1939